Check my exchangeable value
How to Exchange your Voucher
Can I exchange my voucher?
If your voucher is a Face Value voucher, you can exchange it for alternative expriences or gifts to the same value. The new voucher/s that you select will keep the same expiry date as your original voucher. *Experience vouchers cannot be exchanged.
If you select an experience or gift of a lower value, we will hold the remaining balance for you and this can be used against future purchases. (This balance will be held until the voucher's original expiry date, after which it will expire.) If you select a more expensive experience, you will be asked to pay any difference in price, and the Face Value of your voucher will increase accordingly.
Some experiences are not available to exchange to.
Can I combine the values of two or more vouchers?
You can combine or merge the value of two or more Face Value vouchers. If they have different expiry dates then the earlier expiry date is carried forward onto the replacement voucher. Only Face Value vouchers purchased from the same retail chain, brand or website can be merged together.
In order to merge your vouchers, please telephone our Customer Services team on 0330 111 0400 and they will be happy to take you through the process.
We cannot merge vouchers if one or more have already expired or if one or more does not have the Face Value or if you have already made a booking with one of our experience providers. A voucher cannot be exchanged or refunded once it has been merged.
How do I exchange my voucher?
In order to exchange your voucher, please visit the weblink printed on your voucher ending in /myvoucher.
*An Experience voucher is a voucher which does not have Face Value on it or in it, and cannot be exchanged. We cannot exchange a voucher if it has already expired, or if you have already made a booking with one of our experience providers. A voucher cannot be refunded once it has been exchanged.